Everett Public Schools (EPS) serves over 20,000 students. So far this school year EPS staff have identified and supported 1,075 eligible McKinney-Vento students. Eligible students are unsheltered, doubled-up with others, in a shelter, living in a car, or in another unstable home situation. Some are coming out of these situations and transitioning to stable housing, hoping they can maintain rent. Many more are living paycheck to paycheck and are doing their best to get by. The McKinney-Vento program is intended to help eligible students fully access school and school related activities. It is not set up to assist with additional needs that also impact a student’s academic success and well-being.
Support for students and families through our partnership with Washington Kids in Transition Focuses on three areas:
- Housing loss and funds for move in expenses (many times we team up with other agencies to assist);
- Temporary motel/hotel stay while working on a longer-term solution like a shelter room, or a move to affordable stable housing.
- Granted Wishes: Student Support Advocates or school counselors can make individual requests on behalf of students and families in need. These requests have included items like groceries, diapers, undergarments, a haircut, a prom ticket, a yearbook, a sleeping bag, a pillow. One wish was for art supplies. This young artist lives in a motel room with her mother and two younger siblings. The family has no money for “extras.”
These items most take for granted can be the reason a student stays in school and can change the trajectory of a young life.
Partnering with the local non-profit Washington Kids in Transition allows school support staff, social workers and counselors to make requests without sharing personal and confidential information. Everett Public Schools values this partnership with Washington Kids in Transition taking a collaborative approach to make a difference in some of our most vulnerable students’ lives. Together, we are making a difference.
Your tax-deductible donation will be used to help with purchase of food for a family, gift cards for grocery stores, diapers for babies in need, other hygiene items, rental assistance to prevent a family from losing housing, or an emergency temporary motel stay to keep a family safe while they navigate a longer term solution to finding stable housing.
We thank you for your support and generosity!
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